Parshas Chayai Sarah 2019
The Wisconsin Institute for Torah Study Yeshivas Ohr Yechzkel wishing Mazel Tov to:
Rabbi Benzion & Rebbetzin Chanie Twerski on the birth of their grandson
Rabbi Michel & Rebbetzin Feige Twerski on the birth of their great-grandson
Tzvi & Temima Eckhardt on the birth of their daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Eckhardt on the birth of their granddaughter
Eric & Deena Gorlechen on their birth of their son
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gorlechen on the birth of their grandson
Uri & Tsiona Adler on the Bar Mitzva of their son
Dr. & Mrs. Shlomo Adler on the Bar Mitzva of their grandson
Shua & Devorah Ray on the engagement of their daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Ray on the engagement of their granddaughter