Welcome to the
WITS Alumni Association
We strive to create opportunities for alumni to reconnect with each other and the Rebbeim. Join us for bi-annual Melava Malkas in NY, regional get-togethers including annual Baltimore shmuzim with Rabbi Zachai, and National Alumni Shabbatons.

A Day Back at WITS
Relive the time you had at yeshiva with your Rebbeim and Chaverim
Ari Shabat’s Story
Introducing WITS AM/WITS Nation
Dear Esteemed Alumni, תלמידים and חברים,
The importance of learning מוסר is well known. Rav Yisrael writes that for someone who is afflicted with his יצר הרע, trying to succeed in עבודת השם without learning מוסר is like trying to see without eyes. Similarly, the משנה ברורה says that a person should have a set מוסר סדר every day, as this is the way to fight the יצר הרע. Connecting to the truths of life on a daily basis gradually changes a person’s perspective, which has a major impact on how we live our lives.
Yet, implementing this in our daily lives can be challenging. Rav Yisrael discusses the challenge of making time for לימוד המוסר when a person is busy with many other responsibilities, and he advises creating a setup where it is easy to learn מוסר. When there is an environment that is conducive to learning מוסר, it is much more likely that we will take advantage of the opportunity.
We are pleased to launch the
WITS Alumni Mussar Initiative
our new program encourages alumni to join together to create a framework for learning ten minutes of מוסר every day. Joining together as a group provides momentum and encouragement for each individual participant to keep the daily מוסר learning.
The WITS Alumni Mussar Initiative includes different learning opportunities for our members such as:
WITS Alumni Mussar Initiative WITS AM/WITS Nation will help match you with another WITS alumnus whom you can learn מוסר. If you are not interested in this Match-Up Program, participants could instead learn on their own.
Participants learning with his own Chavrusa is also part of WITS AM/ WITS Nation
If you are not interested in joining our Chavrusa Match-Up Program, participants could instead learn on their own.
Weekly emails and WhatsApp messages
There are two separate WhatsApp groups:
-WhatsApp Group for Men
-WhatsApp Group for Women
As long as you are learning מוסר whether with a chavrusa, on your own, you are part of WITS AM/WITS Nation.
If you are interested in delving more into the depths and beauty of מוסר, sign up below to join.
A generous donor has agreed that anyone who signs up will be given the NEW Artscroll Sefer Olam Hamidos.
WITS AM/WITS Nation Members:
YIGAL ABRAMCHIK (Class of ‘94) , RAFI ADLER (BM), SHMUEL ADLER (Class of ‘01), NISSIM ALTMAN (Class of '23), AVRAHAM ANTON (Class of '85), YAAKOV ARONSON (Class of ‘21), ARI BAUM (BM), DOVID BAUM (BM), ELIEZER BEGOUN (Class of '23), NOSON BERMAN (Class of '97), MANNY BIRMAN (Class of '22), AZARIAH DOVID BLAUSTEIN (Class of '25), ZACK BLAUSTEIN (Class of '04), ARYEH BLUMENTHAL (Class of '97), YITZY BOIM (Class of '92), RABBI DOVID BRAFMAN (BM), SHUA BRAFMAN (Class of '25), CHAIM DOVID BROCH (Class of '24), AVRAHAM CHAIM BRODY (Class of '23), HILLEL BRODY (BM), MEIR CHEPLOWITZ (Class of ‘20), NOAM COHEN (Class of '23), YEHUDA COHEN (Class of '00), YOSAIF COHEN (Class of '02), SIMCHA DEVORKIN (Class of '25), ABIE EISENBACH, MUTTY EISENBACH (Class of ‘26), YOAV ELAN, MOSHE ESTERSOHN (Class of '24), YAAKOV EVENTSUR (Class of '24), NOSSON FELT (BM), ARIEL FINE (Class of '23), AVI FRIEDMAN (BM), ADIR GELLIS (Class of '23), ELYON GELLIS (Class of '25), MAYTEEV GELLIS (Class of '23), ARI GLASER, BENZY GOLDFINGER (Class of '14), BINYAMIN GOLDISH (Class of '20), YISROEL GORDON (Class of '25), AVRAHAM YESHAYA GORDON, RAPHAEL GREEN (Class of '20), SAMMY GREENSTEIN (Class of '23), BARUCH TZVI GREENWALD (Class of '24), ELIEZER GREENWALD (Class of '22), ELISHA GREENWALD (Class of '07), AVRAHAM GRUNBERG (Class of '23), BEN GURSKY (Class of '10), AKIVA HARRIS (Class of '25), JAY HELLMAN (Class of '97), ASHER HENNES (Class of ‘11), CHAIM HOCHSTER (BM), AARON HUNTER (Class of '25), SAM IMIAK (Class of '11), LEVI ISRAEL (Class of ‘09), EPHRAIM JOSELIT (BM), MARTIN KALMAR (Class of '25), BENTZION KAMINETZKY (BM), DOVID KEENER (Class of '24), SHMUEL KITTNER (Class of '25), BINYOMIN KLAINBERG (Class of '25), YITZY KLEIN (BM), MATTISYAHU KNOLL (Class of '25), MOSHE KNOLL (Class of '23), AVI KORNEYEV (Class of '22), YITZCHAK KOST (Class of '23), DOVID KRAMER (BM), RICKY KRAMER (Class of ‘84), CHANOCH KROHN (Class of '22), ARI KRUPP (Class of '95), DOVID LEJTMAN (Class of '23), REUVEN LEVINE (Class of ‘98), DOVID LEVY (Class of '03), AVRAHAM LEWIN (Class of '25), NACHI LIEBERMAN (Class of '24), SHMUEL LIEBERMAN (Class of '25), RONEN LOWENTHAL (Class of '22), AKIVA MALES (Class of '92), KEITH MANKOWITZ, KASRIEL MANKOWITZ, ELIYAHU MARGOLIS (Class of '23), TZVI ARYEH MARKOWITZ (Class of ‘24), AVRAHAM MEISTER (Class of '25), EZRA MELCER (BM), TSACHI MEYERS (Class of '91), AHARON MILDER (Class of '25), YONATAN MISHLATI (Class of '23), YOSEF YEHUDA MITTEL (BM), AVROHOM MEIR NEDWIN (Class of '24), NAFTALI PARTUSH (BM), MOSHE PERRY (BM), BARUCH PINSKY (Class of ‘13), ZEV POLSKY (Class of '05), PESACH PORUSH (Class of '13), YEHOSHUA RICHARDS (Class of '04), RABBI SHALOM RODIN (Class of '99), MOSHE ROSE (Class of '22), NACHIE ROSE (Class of '20), SHMUEL ROSEN (Class of ‘07), TZVI ROSEN (Class of ‘14), YOSEF RUBIN (Class of '24), YONI RUNGE (Class of '10), MUTTI SALTZMAN (Class of ‘08), AVI SCHMIDT (BM), BARUCH BENZION SCHUCHMAN (Class of '25), BENNY SCHWIMMER (Class of '24), ARI SHABAT (Class of '96), DJ SHABAT, YISRAEL MEIR SHACTER (Class of '23), MANNIE SHAPIRO (Class of '12), YOSEF BER SOFOVICH (Class of '23), DOV SOLOMON (CLASS of ‘22), ASHER STEINBERG (Class of ‘14), AARON TALYANSKY (Class of '25), AVROMI WACHSMAN (Class of '95), CHAIM YEHUDA WACHSMAN (Class of '23), TZALI WACHSMAN (Class of '93), MOSHE WEISS (Class of '25), YISROEL MEIR WEISS (Class of '25), REUVEN WENDER, BENNY WOLF (Class of '24), JOSH WOLF (Class of '93), SHALOM ZEV WORCH (Class of '23), EZRA WYLEN (Class of '25), YEHUDA YOVITS (Class of '98), DOVID ZIGUN (Class of ‘04), AVROHOM ZUCKERMAN (Class of ‘11), ZACH ZUSSMAN (Class of '02)
Please sign up below to join WITS AM/WITS Nation
Upcoming Events
E-mail db@witsyeshiva.com to organize a reunion for your class or a group of friends to get together for a day back at WITS
Recent Events
Rabbi Raphael Wachsman ZT”L
Simcha Gemach
Dear Alumni
Since the passing of our father, Rabbi Raphael Wachsman זצ"ל. the void in our lives is profound and we continue to sorely miss his presence. We draw chizuk from hearing from you, his beloved Talmidim, about how much he impacted your lives. He cared deeply about his Talmidim. You were like his children.
Most of all he loved to share in your Simchas. The genuine joy of being part of your Simcha sparkled through his smile and glow on his face.
We, his children, want to continue in his ways and share in your Simcha. In memory of our father זצ"ל, we are BE”H opening the Rabbi Wachsman WITS Alumni Simcha Gemach. The Gemach will provide interest-free loans with manageable pay back terms to enable Alumni who are making a Simcha to ease the financial burden that might come along with it.
We look forward to sharing in your Simchos.
Rebbetzin Wachsman
Gavi, Tzali, Avromi, Leah, and Yossi
Please contact Gavi Wachsman at rebbewachsman@gmail.com or
Tzali Wachsman at tzaliw@gmail.com
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